Commercial Resolution Training

Dispute Resolvers specialize in conducting training courses that incorporate:

  • an understanding of the relevant law and legislative framework
  • a review of recent case law and its relevance to industry practice
  • recognition of the organization’s unique ethos, image and culture
  • principled negotiation and conflict handling processes

We provide two structured training courses that cover the interpersonal, informational and practical techniques for conflict management.

‘10 Keys’ to Resolution

This course introduces a “10 step” program for the personal negotiation and resolution of commercial disputes. Based around the mnemonic “A B C D E F G H I J” this course presents practical skills in a logically consistent, simple and memorable way. With a focus on the personal skills and mediative techniques, individuals learn about their own emotional, behavioural and cognitive styles which underlie their reactions to conflict situations and introduces a step by step process and powerful techniques for achieving influence, congruence and resolution.

The Mediation Tool Kit

Where despite their best efforts, the resolution of a dispute cannot be achieved between the parties through personal negotiation, there is a need to engage a third party neutral in the process. The “Mediation Tool Kit” teaches the skills of attending, appearing, presenting and influencing the resolution of a dispute within the framework of a formal mediation.  Through role-plays, participants are given an insight into the dynamics of the mediation process and learn how to effectively influence the outcome.


Dispute resolvers training is aimed at providing a new standard of operating procedure for how to go about the resolution of conflict. It leads to improved client and employee service relationships and reduces the need to rely on costly, relationship-destroying legal resolutions.